4 Ways Interim Executives Build Team Spirit

Interim executives have limited time to transform an organization which is why they depend on building strong teams to support them.

Knowing how to leverage the collective talents and skills of a team is the mark of a good leader. Interim executives have limited time to achieve their goals in an organization. For that reason, they depend on their team to help them reach their targets quickly and effectively.

Teams work well when individual members get along. But with multiple personalities and preferences, issues are bound to arise. To avoid that, interim executives focus on building and fostering strong teams that can weather any storm.

Interim executives allow mistakes

To err is human. Managers should always remember that and cut team members some slack if they make a mistake. By stepping back and allowing them to own their errors, they give them space and support to correct it.

Interim executives reward

Employees perform better when their efforts are appreciated. Good leaders publicly recognize and applaud the work of individual team members, and reward those who make the most contribution. It can be done in small ways like a mention in an internal memo or meeting, or by awarding them financial compensation or free lunch.

Interim executives are specific

Generalized statements of encouragement don’t work all the time. Pay attention to the details of the work contributed by everybody on the team and comment on that. Because knowing that their manager is interested and involved in their efforts will encourage and motivate teams to perform better and not compromise on quality.

Interim executives emphasize communication

Open channels of communication make teams stronger. Team members should be able to access each other easily and be available to answer queries. Applications like Slack allows workspaces to communicate in an open and quick environment. Furthermore, in-person meetings every week or month helps provide a platform for members to share ideas and their progress. Thus, updating everybody on the status of the project and keeping them moving in the same direction.

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