Ways Interim Executives Boost Sales

Interim executives are pros at building teams, motivating salespeople and creating strategies that boost sales.

Unlike other functions in an organization, sales is very complicated. There are no standard practices that can be applied to every industry nor company. Depending on the product, customer, and environment, sales strategies need to be customized to find the best fit.

Interim executive boost sales with the human touch

In a digital world, we are increasingly interacting with faceless people through social media and other networks. And although it is more common now to be in touch with people we’ve never met in real life, there is still an environment of suspicion and distrust around those relationships.

For sales representatives, adding that human touch to interactions with clients can prove to be greatly beneficial in building longer and more profitable relationships. Tech company Gong.io  found in a survey that salespeople that used video as a form of communication in the sales process were 41-percent more likely to close a deal.

Interim executives share testimonials

Anytime you want to research a product before buying it, what do you normally do? For many, that means entering it on Google or Amazon to find reviews. If the reviews are good, you’re most likely going to buy it. If bad, you’re going to look for an alternative. According to a study by the Spigel Research Center, “The purchase likelihood for a product with five reviews is 270% greater than the purchase likelihood of a product with no reviews.”

Encourage happy customers to share their experience, and then use that content to promote your product. For online businesses, it has become much more simpler to display reviews by adding a reviews section below the product’s description.

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