Using Predictive Index to Match Executives
Our independent executive matching process partly relies on assessment tools. Among the different tests and resources we use, the Predictive Index is one of our favorites.
Cerius has a large network of independent executives ready to step in at a moment’s notice. Although all of our executives have the skill, experience and capability to save a company in trouble, not all will make a good fit for every organization.
By analyzing your company, situation, and the expertise that you need, we match you with one of our top executives that has the specific attributes to accomplish your goals and deliver the results you need. Part of our independent executive matching process relies on assessment tools. Among the different tests and resources we use, the Predictive Index is one of our favorites.
What is a Predictive Index?
According to their official website, “The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment objectifies workplace behaviors so you can predict the drives and motivations of others, be a better manager, and communicate more effectively.”
Using the scientifically-validated method, companies can understand what drives a manager and how well they work with others via communication and similar work styles. Having the business owner or CEO take this test, as well as, the potential independent executive allows us to determine whether or not they will work well together in a high-pressure environment.
Methodology Behind Predictive Index
What Kristen McAlister, President of Cerius Executives, likes about the methodology behind the Predictive Index is how it focuses on your problem-solving approach. She says, “Predictive Index doesn’t talk about your personality, it doesn’t talk about how you react to situations, or whether you are impatient or patient. It talks about how you approach situations.”
For any company, Cerius can shortlist more than three executives. All of them can do the job, but each will approach it in a different way. When selecting a candidate, Cerius’s goal is to figure out which way is going to work best for you and your company.